Half Term Mindfulness Ideas
Half Term Mindfulness Ideas for Children and Families
I am passionate about sharing the joys of mindfulness with children and families and I am always looking for small ways to bring it into our everyday life at home. I came up with this list of simple ideas for practicing mindfulness that we will use during half term and I thought I would share in case it is useful for anyone else. Being mindful is focusing on what is happening right now, in this moment. So much of our lives is spent thinking about the past or the future! Mindfulness is a perfect way to build connection and make everyone more aware of what is happening around them.
1) A Mindful Walk! Go for a walk around the local area and use your senses to help you notice your surroundings. What can you see, hear, touch, smell and taste (maybe that last one might be tricky!) As you walk take notice of your feet touching the surface you are on. Or maybe go for a Rainbow Walk? Can you find things in nature to match each colour of the Rainbow? This could be done each season to see how easy or tricky it is!
2) A Gratitude Jar- for each day of the holidays the children can write down something they are grateful for. Maybe grown ups could add to it too! Help the children be thankful for the things around them, big or small.
3) Mindful Eating! This is one I love! Choose something small to eat and rather than wolf it down quickly savour it and see what you notice. Use your senses again! What does it look like? Is it smooth? Does it smell good or bad? How does it feel on your tongue? What does it taste like? How does it make you feel?
4) Try a meditation! I am always explaining to the children I teach that you don’t need to be sitting cross legged with your arms in the air and fingers together in that traditional meditation pose. Instead just be comfortable whether that be in a chair, on the floor or in bed (but make sure you don’t fall asleep with that last one!) Your meditation can be as simple as some Mindful Breathing (simply breathing in and out, focusing on the present moment) or you can find many meditations suitable for children online. If you would like some recommendations please do send me a message!
5) Affirmations- Affirmations are simply a positive message or phrase that can make us feel better or more confident. Children can say them daily and often they then use them themselves in moments of need. Examples could be ‘I am kind, ‘I am proud’, ‘I am strong.’
If you do any I would love to hear about them! I know my daughter will be especially interested in the Mindful Eating lol! We will probably do number 1 at Cherry Hinton Hall Park and see what we can find!
#kidsactivities #kidswellbeing #childrensmentalhealth
#mindfulness #mentalhealth #wellbeing
#creativemindfulnessforkids #creativemindfulness #mindfulnessforkids