Calm Box for Worries

In one of our recent Creative Mindfulness for Kids sessions we focused on worries. We talked about worries and reminded ourselves that ‘Everything Belongs’ and after reading a story we made the most amazing Calm Boxes. Inside we had an array of things to help us including some Worry Stones and some Breathing Beads. The Worry Stones were simple but effective, using our special pens we wrote important messages and affirmations for ourselves and decorated them. These could then be used to hold to bring us back to the present moment or our messages could inspire us to remember that ‘everything belongs’ or ‘I am strong’ or whatever it was the children decided to write!

The second thing we made were Breathing Beads. Very simply we strung 10 beads onto our string, safely secured them and now we can use them to help us with our Mindful Breaths. We put these, and some other goodies including a Worry Bag, into a specially decorated box and took them home to use. We talked about how these could be used when other feelings came to visit such as anger or excitement.


Summer Workshop


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